The White Planet is a 2006 documentary directed by Jean Lemire, Thierry Ragobert and Thierry Piantanida. It focuses on the changing landscape and abundance…
Russell Foster is a British professor of circadian neuroscience. In this Ted talk he takes us through the history of sleep and how attitudes towards sleep…
Elizabeth Lindsey is a native Hawaiian who was raised as a child with elders. In this heart felt TED talk Elizabeth Lindsey shows us the rich world of the Polynesians and how the wisdom…
Based on true events that seem more fictional then the truth. A reporter stumbles over a story which ignites international concern for a family of three grey whales trapped in the ice. The events happened in 1988…
Ready to thrive financially & make more money doing what you love? Discover how our clients are making a ton more money in their careers & businesses by shifting their money mindset. Go straight to the intro video here. Or find out MORE…