
Easy almond & date bliss balls

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If you are looking for a healthy sweet treat alternative go no further.  We have tasted a number of different recipes for bliss balls and have developed this recipe and it is now our definite favorite.  The recipe produces roughly 30 bliss balls and you will need that amount otherwise there will be arguments in the house!  You can freeze the balls to extend the length of time of use.   Surprisingly, you can eat them straight from the freezer and they are just as good.


  • 2 cups almonds – soaked for at least 5 hrs in water or overnight
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil – melted
  • 20 dates – deseeded, soaked for 5 min
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 3 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup of desiccated coconut


  1. Soak almonds in water and cover for 5 hours or overnight.  Discard any extra liquid before use.
  2. In a food processor or blender add 1/4 cup of almonds blending lightly only to chop up almonds roughly.  Remove and set aside.
  3. In a small pot on low heat melt the coconut oil.
  4. In a food processor or blender add remaining almonds and prepared dates.  Blend until smooth.
  5. Mix in a bowl blended ingredients with chopped almonds, chia seeds and cacao powder. You will need to use your hands to combine.
  6. With a tablespoon lift a level amount and then roll the mixture into a ball using your hands.  Repeat and place on a plate/s.
  7. Add to a separate bowl or dish desiccated coconut and roll balls to coat.  Repeat and place on a freezer proof plate/s.
  8. Place balls in the freezer for 30 minutes (If you can wait!).  
  9. Serve or store in an air tight container in fridge or freezer till required.

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