Mimi Leder – pay it forward
Soul Movie / 2000 / Drama / Las Vegas, United States / 123 min / Photographer – Janet Zenari / Photograph – Railway track, Marulan Australia /
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Pay It Forward is a movie based on the novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It follows the story of a child, inspired by his teacher to make a difference in the world, creates a movement that he is unaware of its impact.
Soul Stars – Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Haley Joel Osment, Jay Mohr, Jim Caviezel, Jon Bon Jovi, Angie Dickinson
What we like
- Even though this movie was rated very poorly by the critics we still feel that it has many merits. For a start there are stellar performances by the lead actors and the simplicity of the message overrides any parts which hold close to clichés and stereotypes
Soul experience
- If you could impact the world in a constructive way what would you do? How would you go about this? Some of us are destined to take on the world in big ways, some of us in smaller ways. Some say think big, dream big. And yet a simple idea can start small to grow, thrive and build one on another. The idea was big, the action was difficult, it started small and grew like a seed
To reflect on
- Think of one idea to change the world – and put it into action
- Trevor McKenney: I think some people are too scared, or something. I guess it’s hard for people who are so used to things the way they are – even if they’re bad – to change. ‘Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses.