Russell Peters – red, white & brown
Mind Movie / 2008 / Stand-up Comedy / United States / 79 min / Photographer – Girolamo Rino Zenari / Photograph - Man in desert, Dubai, United Arab Emirates /
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Russell Dominic Peters is a Canadian comedian and actor. He has set records for sales and attendance at a comedian’s performance in a number of places including Canada, London and Australia.
Red, White and Brown was recorded in front of live audience in The WAMU Theatre at Madison Square Garden in 2 February 2008. He delivers material from his Homecoming Tour. Subjects include blame the media, cheap Indians, Louis Vuitton, Race vs Culture, West Indians, body hair and the World Cup.
Mind Stars – Russell Peters
What we like
- Russell Peters has an uncanny way of making a racial joke non offensive, we learn to laugh at ourselves and to enjoy the rich diversity of our cultures
- We love the skit on Dance, Dance Revolution
Mind Experience
- In 2010 we attended a show of Russell Peters live in Sydney Australia. It was the largest audience ever for a stand-up comedian in Australia. We didn’t know much about him at the time as the tickets were gifts. What first made an impression on us was the diversity of nationalities and age groups present. Then we understood. Listening to Peters with his mixture of targeted racial jokes, it was as though everyone wanted to be included and targeted. His racial jokes are more of an observation of how each culture has certain behaviours and we learn to laugh at ourselves from this perspective. Coupled with his accents, his inclusion of himself and his family in the mix, it was so hilarious that are faces were aching from the non-stop laughter. And it was non-stop believe us!
To think about
- Russell Peters: I kind of blame the media for what’s going wrong in the world right now. Cause they kinda just perpetuate stereotypes about people. They don’t tell you that’s what they are doing. They don’t go hey, this is what you need to think. But they know how people’s brains work. What they do they enforce all this shit, you know. What they do is they show you an image of somebody of a different racial background and then they’ll show you an alternate image like right away of something completely different. They don’t say that the two images are together they kinda present it like “What do you think?” Like what they do is show you an Asian guy and then a car accident –(gestures – what do you think?) They’ll show you an Indian guy and a 7 eleven – What do you think? …