
Ron Fricke – baraka

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Baraka is a non-narrative documentary that weaves a story of life with imagery seen through man and nature. Baraka translates to “the thread that weaves life together” a word that originates from the ancient Sufi language. This thread is captured through stunning imagery taken with 70mm camera in 25 countries on six continents. The kaleidoscope of imagery is cleverly weaved with sounds to show the chaos and harmony of life. Baraka was restored in 2008 and has definitely survived the test of time. Expanding on the themes they developed in Baraka is also the later movie Samsara.

What we like

  • Understanding the journey of how Baraka was made is just as amazing as the movie itself. Available with the Blu-ray version is the bonus feature Baraka: A Closer Look. This is well worth viewing as it gives perspective to the work itself
  • The small movie crew appeared to have a close bond and so much in sync that life opportunities seem to be presented to them. One, was the monkey in the Japanese hot springs. Ron Fricke explains in the bonus feature that when the crew had set up there were no monkeys in the springs and when they completed just like on cue a female monkey sat right in front of the camera as the snow began to fall. This monkey showed all the qualities that Ron Fricke was hoping for
  • Captured on film are time specific events like the burning of the oil fields in Kuwait and filming of temples in Cambodia while under curfew by the Khmer Rouge. The crew responding through clever planning and diplomacy were able to capture these moments

Soul experience

  • Having intent makes a difference in the outcome of events. Once we state our intent together with our commitment life seems to cooperate with us to fulfil this. During filming the crew had missed an opportunity to film a perfect setting as they were tired from travel. When they returned the following day it was raining and rained many days after, the opportunity was lost. From that point on Ron Fricke stated that he would film no matter how he or the crew felt.
  • In life some opportunities can be given to us when we are unprepared or we are weary. It may return, it may not. If this is an opportunity in line with the intent then it is wise to give some thought to whether it is worth receiving or passing before disregarding based on your passing state. Life will test your perseverance and whether you are serious with your commitment, pause and choose wisely.

To reflect on

  • Mark Magidson: The goal of the film was to reach past language, nationality, religion and politics and speak to the inner viewer.


Link to Baraka site
Map the soul movie location
Map the photograph location

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