
Share your light

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It has been said that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

If someone comes for a reason, it is usually to meet a feeling or something you are expressing a want for. These people may come to assist you in some way. To provide some sort of guidance and support. Once this is met suddenly this person will disappear.

Those people that come for a season usually turn up because there is valuable lessons that this person can share with you that helps you grow and allows you to give back as well. This could be a really rewarding relationship in what you have shared however once the particular lessons have been shared the relationship is due to end as it is only for a season. Share, learn and move on.

Lifetime relationships teach you major lessons. These relationships are the cornerstone to your emotional foundation and these learnings can be applied to all your relationships. Continuing your growth through various stages of your life.

Think about relationships you have had in your life. Each and every one was sent to help you grow. You may have also played a part in their growth whether the other person learns or not. What we do have control over is what we take away. Accept the lesson for what it was and be grateful that these people have come into your life. There are always gifts to be found even in the most difficult of situations.  We always have the choice to open our hearts and to share our light…

In the end what matters
Are the relationships you have made
And the hearts touched with your light
Make each day count


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