

Pizza with oven roasted vegetables, rocket & easy pesto

This pizza is dairy free and is a nice change from cheese alternatives. Without cheese on a pizza you really taste the topping …

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Easy assorted vegetables & split pea soup

Packed with vegetable punch with the added flavour of ginger and curry the split peas won’t know what hit them. This is a quick and easy soup to make. So don’t let the cooking time throw you…

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Easy carrot fritters with spelt & brown rice flour

This dish is a quick and easy meal served ideally with a salad. You can cook with any type of oil, our preference is extra virgin olive oil. After cooking place fritters on absorbent paper to absorb oil…

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Easy zucchini fritters with spelt & brown rice flour

This dish is a quick and easy meal served ideally with a salad. You can cook with any type of oil, our preference is olive oil. After cooking place fritters on absorbent paper to absorb oil…

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Chickpea pizza with tomatoes & olives

This chickpea flour dish originated in Italy. It can be served in many variations being as simple as with no topping. Slice this pizza in 8 to serve as…

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